web & UI


Music Share Website

MUSICSHARE 是一個音樂分享和交換的網站,從個人興趣發展而來,主要分享個人喜愛的樂團及音樂給大家,讓這些台灣、亞洲、國外的獨立樂團有更多人喜歡。使用者也能在網站裡的留言板功能分享自己喜愛的音樂。 音樂是一種生活的方式,平時看現場表演,認識了不少樂團的音樂。 想聽聽不同音樂時,進來這個網站逛逛!

MUSICSHARE is a website for changing & sharing music, which developed from my personal interests. The main function is to recommand music & bands to everyone, hoping that more people will love these indie bands from Taiwan, Asia or all over the world. Users can aiso share thier music by leaving comments on share board.
Music is a lifestyle. Knowing some different bands in live concerts or music festival. Come to have a look when longing for nice music!
Target group:Indie music lovers.
Design process:
User Stories > Information Arctitecture > Logic Flow > Wireframe > Mockup, Mockup was drawn by Sketch.

web design

user stories

logic flow
